Thursday, March 01, 2007

Let me know what you have decided to be the broad topic area for your research paper. We will be working on honing your interest to a compelling and specific question before you begin your research.

Read pages 20-26 in the Jane Addams book for tomorrow.


Blogger Charlie said...

the scholl will be very interesting...

7:33 AM  
Blogger Elliot said...

My house because it was designed by famous architects in 1880s.

7:33 AM  
Blogger Charlie said...

I mean school

7:33 AM  
Blogger emmyemmy said...

I would like to do something on murders in the 1900's. Murders are an interesting topic, earlier murders seem to be somewhat different than murders in current times. I'd like to research a particular murder, but as of right now I'm not sure what particular murder I will write my report on.

7:35 AM  
Blogger Sam said...

I wanna research sun ra's years in chicago. I would research how his philosophies relate to the music.

7:35 AM  
Blogger post-prandial kaleidoscope eyes said...

my original thought was emma goldman's role in the haymarket riots because a) she's fascinating and b) i don't know as much about the haymarket riots as i want to.

now, however, i'm thinking about the way john dewey's philosophy has faded out of the policies of teaching here. i could study emma goldman anywhere, but this is my last year here and i know little to nothing about this school's history.

7:36 AM  
Blogger post-prandial kaleidoscope eyes said...

oh and two things
this is hope

and sam, i'll be curious to see what you find out. my dad's a huge fan of sun ra.

7:37 AM  
Blogger Nathan said...

I am intrested in, anything to do with illegal matters such as,
The Mafia,
Really anything illegal because, I find it interesting some how, in not sure why...

7:37 AM  
Blogger JAC said...

I am thinking about doing the murderer at the world's or maybe the scientific racism. I am not completely sure yet but I am leaning more towards the murderer at the world's fair.

7:38 AM  
Blogger This Blog Is Now Open To Your Reading said...

Hi Ms. Yourist.
I'm thinking of doing the history of jazz or blues. Or maybe the mafia in Chicago because I have a big book on the mafia and that would be cool. The mafia could also be including The Big Tuna and that room thing. I would want to do jazz or blues because I like jazz and blues and I never really learned about the history of that and I think that would be interesting.

7:39 AM  
Blogger connie!! said...

I want to choose the Saint Valentine's Day Masscre because I am interested in murders and the mystery behind the crime.

7:40 AM  
Blogger Elliot said...

Main Architect was George Mayor

7:40 AM  
Blogger teh_pwnage said...

Im doin the narcotics trade.

Im doing it because i know alot about drugs in general but i dont know much about the actual trade.

7:41 AM  
Blogger jackieJACKIEjackie said...

i think i want to research the thing you showed us like about the human brain and "if your nose is long then you are greedy" because i think it's very interesting and i'd like to find out more about it.


7:42 AM  
Blogger chii said...

i wanna do early movies in chicago, or drugs in chicago. movies, because i love movies and i watch a lot of them (not as many as hope but a lot) so it'll be really intresting to see the changes between old movies and new movies. if i do drugs, its because they're really intresting and they're all over the place now so i wanna see what they were like a long time ago.

7:42 AM  
Blogger izzythetwinky said...

i would like to do a crime case in chicago, like the leopold and leolb case, but that was done before so i am thinking it would be really fun to research the big tuna. or murder cases
those are really cool, yeah i will do a big murder case from the 1920's

7:42 AM  
Blogger Akivlam said...

I'm not really very sure...
I think I might want to do something related to the school, probably the history behind some small thing, that was not exactly known...
The World's Fair is rather interesting as well though. The whole idea of a Fair of the WORLD is pretty awesome in itself... do they still have world's fairs?

Phrenology is also quite interesting... but then i did that last year...


I tried reading Samantha at the World's Fair but it got slightly...boring.


ms. yourist-
I am not sure at all of what ant to research. Preferably I would like to do something that would involve calling random people I don't know, like, people who went to this school or something, and finding out what they do and such...

I do not know...

Je ne connais pas.

7:43 AM  
Blogger JB said...

JB. I am interested in doing the early chicago mafia because of all the famous history there is in the mob in chicago.

7:43 AM  
Blogger teh_pwnage said...

hey its me jack!!!

7:44 AM  
Blogger mo said...

I want to do fast food because food tastes good. Except I am not a big fan of McDonald's, but that's okay. I don't like gum either, but I will be okay with researching when it was invented. Even though I have issues with some fast foods, I still like food and will enjoy looking at it in books. Food is good.

7:47 AM  
Blogger Akivlam said...

I want to research the Mcormicks... maybe.

7:47 AM  
Blogger Charlie said...

I really want to know about those big machines that used to be here. that fountain may also be interesting, but I really want to do research on those big rooms.

7:48 AM  
Blogger izzythetwinky said...

phycos in chicago like the coco place and some really crazy people, but if malvika decides not to do her things in the murder of the worlds fair, i would like to think about doing that

7:49 AM  
Blogger Akivlam said...

ohOH. i know!

The murderer at the world's fair!!!

I have not read Devil in the White City...
[i started it yesterday]

but if the person was at all like jack the ripper, I want to research that.


7:49 AM  
Blogger Nathan said...

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7:50 AM  
Blogger JB said...

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7:50 AM  
Blogger teh_pwnage said...

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7:51 AM  
Blogger Julian said...

I want to consider resaerching how and why chicago reversed the chicago river

7:51 AM  
Blogger teh_pwnage said...

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7:51 AM  
Blogger Charlie said...

This is grant using charlies username here.


i want to reserch the school and when it stopped being so hands on. i want to know why we don't learn many skills, just math and stuff


7:52 AM  
Blogger Lex Jane Tarzan girl person thing man pig said...

Hello! i am interested in the following topics...

Marshall Fields
The University of Chicago Basement
(behind the scenes)

These will, without a single doubt, change. i'm trying to figure out my "why" question for these. I really want to reearch Marshall Fields because....

1. Im interested in fashion
2. The role of department stores in Chicago impact a lot things....(heehee)
3. It is an important part of chicago.
4. I would like to know why its such a landmark here

For the basement...

1. No one really knows whats behind the locked doors
2. There are showers down there, (why)
3. There are all these mysteries, and secret passage ways.
4. There are dates and names and plaques on the walls
5. And lastly, no one really understands and appreciates the kitchen staff, and the conditions they work in. i've seen the kitchen, and it is bad news bears...I think thats the most interesting of all
6. If i were to do this, i would interview a kitchen staff member, a drama teacher (there are secret passages in the high school drama room) and mr. wildeman....

-Alexa Jane

7:52 AM  
Blogger JB said...

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7:52 AM  
Blogger tyler said...

Ms. Yourist,
For my research project i want to do either Lincoln Park Zoo or the two people who tried to do the perfect murder. I want to do these because I don't know much about them.

7:53 AM  
Blogger tyler said...

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7:53 AM  
Blogger bannunagirl said...

i would like to do a report about where i live, beverly IL and a haunted place called the castle in beverly

ok, bye.

11:19 AM  
Blogger emily said...

Hi Ms, Yourist!
I finally got a username, yay!
okay so i want to do my research project on Roe v. Wade. I also want to do a little research on the abortion laws and cases today.

11:23 AM  
Blogger Rose said...

I want to do the Mcarthy era and communism and black listing. I also want to learn about edward r murrow so yeah!!!!

11:25 AM  
Blogger Ted said...

I am doing white sox/black sox

11:46 AM  
Blogger somerandomchubbyduck? said...

Bring old texbooks por favor!

I want to do what history looked like, and how they distort history. Then connect that to a specific instance that is taught today, but has a darker side to it.

11:49 AM  
Blogger Nathan said...

Oh, I also might do someting to do with films, didn't you say they started in chicago?? WEll anywho I have always liked movies not that I know much about them.

3:39 PM  
Blogger skippy said...

This is Mikey, I would like to do the Chicago Bears

3:53 PM  
Blogger Charlie said...

i AM INTERESTED IN THAT OLD WATER FOUNTAIN OUTSIDE. i THINK IT'LL BE FUN SOLVING A MYSTERY! LOL... whoops! just realized that capslock was on! sorry...

6:21 PM  

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