The North won the war, but the south won the peace.
Do you agree or disagree with the above statement? Can you respond to it in two different ways? How might Foner respond to this question?
You are to build an argument in response to "The North won the war, but the south won the peace."
1. Create a working thesis.
2. Select three ideas that work to support your working thesis.
3. Write a topic sentence for each.
4. Write a well-crafted paragraph to go with one of your topic sentences. This paragraph should have at least 2 to 3 facts/ pieces of evidence/ “elaborations”/examples/definitions that support this first point. (due: 2/14)
5. Write a well-crafted paragraph to go with the second of your topic sentences. This paragraph should have at least 2 to 3 facts/ pieces of evidence/ “elaborations”/examples/definitions that support this second point. (due 2/15)
6. Write a well-crafted paragraph to go with the third of your topic sentences. This paragraph should have at least 2 to 3 facts/ pieces of evidence/ “elaborations”/examples/definitions that support this third point. (due 2/16)
Over the long weekend, craft a solid and complete introduction and conclusion. Make sure you use transition words to help the flow between ideas and paragraphs. The paper is due on Tuesday, Feb. 20th.
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