Sunday, March 25, 2007

I hope your spring break was restful and renewing and you are ready for the very intense and hopefully rewarding last two months of your 8th grade year.

Your first challenge is to write the most awesome research paper you possibly can, based on all the research you did before break. Hopefully the break has given you an opportunity to let that research "soak in" and integrate fully with your own body of knowledge.

Your draft is due on Wednesday, March 28th. Make it as perfect, as compelling, as articulate as you possibly can. We will peer edit the papers in class. You will have an opportunity to rework, correct, refine your papers Wednesday night before turning them in to me on Thursday.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Read Chapter 4 in the Jane Addams book for Monday. Also bring a question in to class that will help you in your research project. This question should be as specific and compelling (aha, easy for me to say....) as possible.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Let me know what you have decided to be the broad topic area for your research paper. We will be working on honing your interest to a compelling and specific question before you begin your research.

Read pages 20-26 in the Jane Addams book for tomorrow. - all colors of music!