"Human beings understand themselves and shape their futures by arguing and challenging and questioning and saying the unsayable, not by bowing the knee whether to gods or to men."
--Salman Rushdie from "In Good Faith"
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--Salman Rushdie from "In Good Faith"
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I think that this quote from Rushdie is true. People like to argue and hear themselves talk much more than they like to obey rules and be bossed around. People like to ask questions and say their opinions instead of having to be quiet and be given orders. It is true that people understand themselves and shape their futures by arguing and challenging. Just like in Haroun and The Sea of Stories, when the Gup library is arguing right before the battle against the Chup warriors. The Gup army fought better because they argued with each other. This arguing formed some sort of bond and trust between the pages. The Gup army did not like taking orders and being quiet like the army of Chup. They liked to have a less organized formation before the fighting, but once the fighting started they became more organized than the Chup army.
- Max V.
Period 12
I think that Salman Rushdie is saying here that human beings understand themselves best, because they are humans and they have the power to shape their future instead of submitting themselves to gods, or other men. Humans have the power to question things, and argue and do things in the present, right there, and so shape their future. Humans don't shape their future the way they want however, if they leave it to others, if they let others do it. What if they left it to gods to do, but the gods didn't exsist? Or were do busy? What if they left it to other men? And those men twisted their future in ways they did not want? Well humans do not have to do that. They can question things, and learn things, and say what they think. They can affect change, and they can change. They don't accomplish those things by bowing down and submitting to gods or men.
This is a very interesting quote by Salman Rushdie. It's interesting since it's a statement and relates to human education. I interpret his quote as; if you do not stand up and question what is right or wrong, if you don't ask questions and learn yourself instead of just letting things go by, then you do not learn. I also think it applies to Salman Rushdie himself, during the time he published the Evil Satanist (i think that is what it is called) and having a death-call on his head. He questioned the Islamic faith and challenged it by saying all sorts of bold statements that most people would not dare to because OF the power of the Islamic people, as you see the consequences of Salman's actions. He didn't bow to his knee's for the men who lead the Islamic faith and give up on his rights of free speech.
I agree with Sheridan. It's not like people are just going to sit around and do what they're supposed to do all the time! What's the good in that? People have to make their own decisions, to shape their own future. Taking orders from someone all the time wouldn't be what you want, it would be what the person wants, and in a way, it could even be his/her future that you are fulfilling. When saying what you want, when you want, and for whatever reason you want, you are committing more and more to the person you are. Of course, not saying anything won't help you understand yourself but it'll still change the way your future turns out. If think that Salman Rushdie has a very accurate idea of people and how actions will affect them.
I think that Salmon Russhdie is talking about being an active learner. I think this quote is saying that you get get a better education when you are being active and asking questions and arguing to try to prove your point. I think that when Salmon Rushdie says "...and saying the unsayable..." he means that when you are in this kind of environment you tend to say things that you wouldn't normally say and ask questions that you wouldn't normally ask. At the end of this quote, Rushdie states. "...not by bowing to the knee whether to gods or to men." Rushdie is saying that you can't learn and grow by having other human beings do this kind of work for you or by trusting a god to give you all the answers but that you should try to answer them yourself and ask the questions yourself so that you are actively learning. In this quote, Rushdie brings up a very interesting point about education and how you can shape your own future.
-Katie H.
per. 6-7
I think that the quote is true. Humans are believing in god, (or gods) less and less. People argue about everything, ranging from very important stuff, to the dumbest things ever. If a tomato is fruit or vegatable, what movie they want to watch, or who to pick as the new President, and so on. We argue, and fight, and ocationaly go into fist fights or wars. We do not let God (or gods) choose for us, we choose for ourselves. we each have different opinions and points of view. It is our nature to argue.
-Nell M.
I think that this quote from Rushdie is true. People like to say what they think is true rather than letting others give their opinion on the topic.I agree that people do plan their futures by arguing and challenging other people.I agree with Sheridan you have to let people make their own dicisions about life and not let other people get in the way of their decision. I also believe that people don't accomplish change by bowing down to gods.
Hannah P period 12
This quote has a great deal of merit to it. Humans like to control their own lives and shape their own futures, and by doing this they have to stand up for themselves and question and challenge previous assumptions and/or opinions. If they simply accept everything as it is they will not learn why things are as they are, and will lose countless chances for knowledge of the world around them. They will spend their lives always wondering, but never getting anywhere. Normally people want their opinions heard on everything from the trivial to the serious, and it is their right to have their voices heard, and to be able to stand by those opinions.
Period 1-2
I find what Rushdie said quite interesting when examined and thought about. I believe, and not to discredit others ideas, Rushdie is talking about human ability to think and to create an original idea by themselves. An idea formed by an individual by that individual and not just saying what another person told them. For it belongs to the fish in the ocean to swim, the horses to gallop, for the birds to fly, and for humans to think freely. Without religion, people, governments, or say a hit sent out by a religious leader to block their ideas, and from telling others about them. For it is our inquisitive and rather invasive nature that we find some sort of solace in the things that can't be explained by creating a reason for them.
In lay-mans terms humans have pushed the envelope from day one and that is what separates us from animals because we do not take things at face value.
Jackson F 1 pr.
I agree with the quote in the means that humans love to argue. Everyone wants too feel like they're on top, the head dog. People like to give orders, not receive. Humans like too think they are number one, and that no one can bring them down, whether it be 'god' or their fellow man. Which is why more and more people are becoming atheists because they don't have anyone influencing their ideas. I also agree because that if you dont take action in life, nothing will change and so you have to shape your own future. Overall, i think what Salman Rushdie is trying to say that your actions shape you, and define your future.
Lily B-L (1-2)
I completely agree with Salman Rushdie's idea of speaking the truth to power and questioning others' beliefs based on your own. I think that this quote is saying that the purpose of life is to broaden what we can understand, say, and therefore be in life, by pushing ourselves to question the acceptable ideas of beliefs in life. Without question of being, people can lose sense of what it is like to live in a free world. We have to fight for what we believe in and right of way in life. I can understand why Salman Rushdie says this, because he did NOT bow down his knee for the leaders of Islamic faith, and spoke out with his freedom of speech. He argued the arguable, and questioned the questionable, and for that he stood out from others in that he believed and still believes what he wants to believe. Human minds cannot grow until they FULLY accept and understand an idea or way of life.
per. 1-2
I think the quote from Rushide is true. The majority of people would rather make up rules and be heard rather when simmer down and humbly follow rules that are made up by other people.
Much like how the Gups and Chups are like the ying and yang symbols. One army is well organized, like a large, historic textbook, while the Chup army is more relaxed almost and freer of rein.
People shape their futures and themselves according to what they believe in, argue for, and agree on. I believe this qute has a great deal of truth to it.
Sarah period 1-2
I think this quote is half true and half not, because human beings don't exactly understand themselves until they've gone through enough, like Rushdie did. I feel that Rushdie wrote this quote by what he did. Meaning he 1) shaped his future by challenging the Muslin tradition 2) not giving up even after the death threat and 3) he never let the negative attitude get to him. Another way I'm thinking about it is that human beings begin to understand themselves throughout their lives and shape themselves by trying different ways of arguing saying things that should supposedly be left unsaid and not letting someone else rule your life.
Magda G 8 9
I completely agree with Rushdie that people do become better people and create a better society when they speak there minds instead of going along with things and not breaking rules. It is part of human nature to argue and hear themselves talk and to ask and answer questions. I think that Rushdie is saying that to enjoy life you need to go above the boundaries and explore to create better for the future. If we just stay put and listen and obey we won't become free and we will lose any sense of what it is like to be free, and without freedom of speech we won't be able to ever create a better future. Rushdie also says that in a religion and community we need to work together and if we can't listen and disagree we won't be able to grow.
-Maria G
Period 1-2
I completely agree with Rushdie that people do become better people and create a better society when they speak there minds instead of going along with things and not breaking rules. It is part of human nature to argue and hear themselves talk and to ask and answer questions. I think that Rushdie is saying that to enjoy life you need to go above the boundaries and explore to create better for the future. If we just stay put and listen and obey we won't become free and we will lose any sense of what it is like to be free, and without freedom of speech we won't be able to ever create a better future. Rushdie also says that in a religion and community we need to work together and if we can't listen and disagree we won't be able to grow.
-Maria G
Period 1-2
I think that Salman Rushdie is saying that people enjoy arguing because it makes them feel better about themselves when they are right and they always believe that they are right because that is how humans are. People like to be able to get their way all the time and that is why the Gup army fought better than the Chup army. The Gup army was able to argue before the battle so when the time came for them to trust each other they could as for the Chup army, they were sworn to silence so some people could mix up intentions and there was a lot of miscommunication between them so they started to fight each other and even their own shadows. I think that arguing is a good thing but as proven Haroun and the Sea of Stories, there is a time and place for arguing.
Period 1-2
I think the quote is totally true, I agree with Sheridan on the basis that humans understand each other best. And that in the end they will subconsciously trust another human being more then any "higher authority." although I disagree with Max, I think that the Gup army won because they had carefully worked out the best course of action through arguing, but sometimes the difference between arguing and keeping your mouth shut is a difference between life and death. But it is easier to keep your mouth shut if you are taking orders from your equal instead of someone greater then you, because human nature allows us to naturally question authority and if someone is greater then we will be less likely to do what they say because humans will always say why?
Sorry 'bout that, last quote was mine, Matt D.
It is very true what he says about arguing/challenging/questioning. We do have a bit of control over our future through arguing/challenging/questioning.And this reflects on the Guppie "Library"-because since they talked so much they had control over their future (the battle).
Anoop H-R
Pd 1-2
I think that this quote from Rushdie is true. People do shape their futures by arguing and saying things they don't mean to say. People need to know that they cant expect gods or other men to do anything for them, they have to do it for themselves. I think this quote is a freedom of speech quote and you shouldn't just believe what religious and political people say. You have to think about it and analyze for your self.
I agree with Max V. When you fight with some one verbally, you begin to understand how they think and feel. When you know how they feel you help them because you have formed a bond with them.
If you want to help the person and you know how the person feels about what is happening.
I agree with Max V. People like to choose their own path, not follow a path that has already been laid down. I think that that is why Rushdie does not like the fundamental Muslims. Fundamental muslims think that there is only one path and one path only. Rushdie believes that there are many different paths and that one can have choices.
Period 6-7
I think that this quote from Rushdie is true. That you need to express your opinion without worrying about what people of the higher class will think. He is also saying that by asking questions and putting your ideas out, that allows you to have your own opinion so you don't need to follow people. By doing this you are shaping your life.
The way somebody makes use of his life is by living differently. People who are more willing to open their minds find more revealed to them, and essentially what I believe Rushdie was trying to express is there is an entire universe out there, and one shouldn't limit himself to a fixed path set by gods or men. Questioning helps you see how others choose to live and why, which increases your understanding of yourself. Everyone was given an imagination, and what was created through humans in the first place can also be challenged by humans.
Emily X.
I think that this Salman Rusdie quote is true because it says that in order to control your future you must challenge whoever is in charge. You must say that one does not have to follow the path that has been set for them, rather SHOULD NOT follow the path that has been set for them. In unjust societies, government makes people lead the life that Government wants them to lead to make the governments life easier in controlling a civilization. Sometimes this can even lead to oppression. Also the second part says that you should not bow to the knee whether to gods or to men. This relates to the "Satonic Verses," Rushdie did not want to bow to the knee for gods or for men and spoke out freely about his opinion of the Islamic faith. Did he anger most of the Islamic faith YES but he PROVED A POINT. He proved that people should not just do what they are told, but to instead to shape their own path... and or destiny (whatever you would like to call it.)
Gregory K.
PD 6-7
I agree and disagree with this qoute. Arguing and debating and chalenging the standard can help people to understand themselves but that sometimes cant be enough. Trying to follow God can help people understand their weaknesses and help them overcome them. obbeying a God can help people decide what is right or wrong. But there always should still be room to debate and discuss topics. So having a good balance of both is optimal.
Alexandra R.
I think that Salman Rushdie is correct in what he said. Humans often challenge the ways things work, and this often shapes how things turn out for them. We have defied almost every obstacle standing in our way to success, from proving that man could go to the moon, to destroying the institution of slavery. If we challenge the norms and institutions of our society, we can successfully achieve so many things. This includes overtaking despots and other poor leaders. We have the power to challenge their actions and right to govern. We can even challenge the way things work in a democracy, be voting and constantly questioning political policy. We can also further understand who we are through questioning ourselves. We can debate internally about whether or not doing one particular thing is right or wrong, and we can change it, our path in life, and ourselves. There is a downside, however, to this questioning of common ideas and taking charge, because even though we may be combatting our own ideas, other people may be fulfilling ideas of their own, good or otherwise. Many of the worst wars in history came from one person challenging commonly held ideas and taking charge for their own. However, I feel that human beings can do just about anything if we set our minds to it and constantly question our intentions and those of others.
-Alex L.
Period 6-7
Salman Rushdie is absolutely correct. For one to expand their knowledge one needs to challenge those that came before them. Of course If you challenge everything you would not have anything to build your ideas on. However challenging what your brain tells you is incorrect will expand your brain wether your right or wrong. To make a good plan one needs to discuss it and point out the good and bad things in it. One's common sense should always come before another's command. Of course this only means that there should always be place for intelligent and civilized debate. If one never listens to themselves then none of there actions will succeed. There is always room for improvement as long is it is discussed in an intelligent way by responsible people. That is why I strongly believe in Rushdie's statement.
Amos B.
Period 6-7
I agree with Salman Rushdie’s quote. I think that Rushdie basically is saying that humans are not going to be given all of their knowledge without speaking up in conversations and not challenging questions. I think what Rushdie is also saying is that you are not going to get all of your knowledge without working, but that you are going to have to work hard to learn what your future is and what you believe in. I think he is also saying that you should be firm in your beliefs, but always keep an open mind. You should be the one changing your beliefs, not someone else. For example Rushdie presented his points of view in the Satanic versus. Even though he got in lots of trouble with this book, he stuck to his beliefs.
-Sam C.
Per. 6-7
I agree with this quote because if people just do what ever other people say all the time you will never know what you can and can't do or how things really work. When people don't ask questions or state their opinions people will be able to take advantage of them and just tell them what they think people should know which is not always the truth.
Akilah H.
period 6-7
I am completely and utterly divided by this powerful and thought-inducing quote.
I definitely agree with the first half of this quote, which says that a human being shapes their life and convictions after what they believe has true meaning society. When humans question, they learn. When humans learn, they live as humans should. To live as a human should, you must question.
The second part of this quote takes an anarchistic turn for the worse. Rushdie says that humans don't learn anything from religion or government, which is completely insane. He is really challenging people's beliefs (including mine), which I find offensive and a dumb choice on his part. Rushdie makes very strong statements about sensitive and controversial issues, which is never a good idea.
I think Rushdie needs to think many thousands of times before he speaks like this about such prominent topics in society.
Rushdie is completely right in this quote, in my opinion. Many humans are oppressed by not being able to say what their opinion is, or what they feel, and this quote is saying you must not be oppressed, and you need to stand up for yourself. Rushdie's book, that caused such an uproar, completely followed this quote. He used his freedom of speech and wrote that book, and didnt bow down to god or man, in this case, the Islamic Faith. You need to stick up for what you believe, and not bow down to what others expect of you.
Humans DO need to argue, challenge, and question, or else people's future's and lives will not be theirs to enjoy and control, instead taken control of by some god or man.
6th period
I completely agree with Salman Rushdie's quote. I think that partially the quote is talking about how humans don't bow down to gods and/or kings/rulers and hope that all of their wishes will be granted and all of their problems will be solved. Humans have been making amazing accomplishments and discoveries, and they do that by going and getting their answers. They don't sit on their butts and hope that something happens, they ask questions, they do their research, and they find answers. Humans challenge themselves everyday to ask questions and find their answers, and they challenge themselves to argue with previously answered questions. I think the quote basically tells us that we aren't going to get anything, we're not going to learn anything, we're not going to get any answers, unless we're willing to try and work to get what we want, to find the answers we were looking for.
I think this quote is about how when people are growing up and they have free will, don't question anyone and don't kneel for anyone...... Being your own person.
-David D.
period 6-7
This is very true. Everyone would rather talk and debate, not be told what to think and say. This is desplayed very well in the book. Because the Gup army argued before the battle, they fought better. This is because they trusted each other more. So because they talked and argued and figured stuff out, they fought much better than the Chup army. The lower people in the Chup army had no say in anything so they didn't trust the people in their own army. This is what made them lose.
Eleanor K.
Period 6-7
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