Digital History packet written by Eric Foner--
------Emancipation in Comparative Perspective
------The politics of Reconstruction
------Presidential Reconstruction
------Congressional Reconstruction
------The Impeachment of Andrew Johnson
------Republican Governments in the South
------Carpetbaggers and Scalawags
------The End of Reconstruction
------The Disputed Election of 1876
Digital History Website
Reconstruction Timeline
Lincoln's Address on Colonization
Emancipation Proclamation
Gettysburg Address
Lincoln's Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction
Lincoln's Second Inaugural
Nast's "?Slavery is Dead?"
Foner's "The Reconstruction Amendments: Official Documents as Social History"
Reconstruction: The Second Civil War (ie stories of Tunis Campbell, John Lynch, Marshall Twitchell, Kate Stone, etc.)
Birth of a Nation