Another link to help you study for the Constitution test for tomorrow is Constitution Facts.
Make sure: -to complete all finishing touches on your Constitution Nexus including checking for P.O.G.s and spelling. -to ground your Reflection/ Essay with at least 3 references to the text of the Constitution itself. -to include historical and/or contemporary "connections." -to demonstrate that your Constitution Nexus reflects the very best work that you can do.
Do you know who are -the two U.S. Senators from Illinois: Dick Durbin and Barack Obama -the nine Supreme Court Justices: Chief Justice John Roberts Ruth Bader Ginzburg Clarence Thomas John Paul Stevens Samuel Alito Antonin Scalia David Souter Anthony Kennedy Stephen Breyer
Add the following words to your Constitution Word Bank:
Lemon Test Bill of Rights Five Freedoms Establishment Clause Free Exercise Clause Free Speech --Pure Speech --Speech Plus --Symbolic Speech Limits: --Obscenity --Defamation ----Slander ----Libel --Fighting Words --Hate Speech --Speech that incites illegal action
All the required articles and amendments should be completed in your Constitution Nexus. Now work on making connections. Look for historical and contemporary events that relate to constitutional issues. (Remember the many connections we have made in class.)
Begin to work on your reflection essay. Click on Possible Reflections for some ideas.