Work on Article III tonight in your Constitution Nexus. You should have Articles I, II, and III completed by tomorrow.
Add the following words to your Constitution Word Bank (Some of these words should already be familiar to you.):
Federal District Court Appellate Court Court of Appeal Judicial Review Marbury v Madison Judicial Restraint Judicial Activism Strict Construction Loose Construction Living Constitution Jurisdiction Original Jurisdiction Appellate Jurisdiction Writ of Certiorari Attainder Corruption of Blood
Add the following words to your Constitution Word Bank:
Executive Branch Executive Term President Vice President Electors Electoral College Advice and Consent Cabinet Commander in Chief Take Care Clause State of the Union Inauguration Oath of Office
Tonight, work on the Preamble and begin Article I for your Constitution Nexus. For Wednesday, finish Article I. The details for this assignment can be located by clicking on Constitution Nexus (II).
The details for the iConstitution, which we will be working on in class, can be located by clicking on iConstitution.
Proclamation for the first Thanksgiving. As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them. -John F. Kennedy
Add the following words to your Constitution Word Bank:
Conference Committee Veto Pocket Veto Line Item Veto Enumerated Powers Implied Powers Inherent Powers Commerce Clause Naturalization Copyright Patent Necessary and Proper Clause Elastic Clause Habeas Corpus Bill of Attainder Ex Post Facto Laws
The homework for tomorrow is to read Article I, Sections 1 through 6, of the Constitution. In The Words We Live By read pages 23-44 or for 45 minutes whichever comes first.
The following words should be in your Constitution Word Bank:
John Locke 1632-1704 Tabula Rasa Enlightenment Law of Nature Natural Rights State of Nature Social Contract Unalienable (Inalienable) Consensus Preamble Popular Sovereignty Constitution Article I Legislative Separation of Powers Checks and Balances Congress Bicameral Senate House of Representatives Great Compromise 3/5 Compromise Census Reapportionment Redistricting Gerrymandering
Should the Constitution be interpreted by the Supreme Court as a living, evolving document responsive to the times (Living Constitution, Loose Construction) or should the Supreme Court interpret the Constitution as literally as possible, closely aligned with the text and with what the intentions of the founding fathers were (Strict Construction, Originalism)?
The Humanities Team has made a microloan to Genoveva Plua (above) of Guayaquil, Equador to buy more merchandise for her General Store. The Team has also made a loan to I Made Hermanto (below) of Melaya, Bali in Indonesia to buy more cattle to increase his income. These two loans will be paid back between 8 and 12 months and we will reinvest the money in other small entrepreneurs around the world. We have made these loans through the organization KIVA.