The people we are becoming and the way we “see” the world are shaped not only by our culture, but also by our many experiences and “stories.” I want you to take time to think about all the “stories” that have informed who you are.
On the outside of your Self-Portrait/ Memory Box, place images/ symbols that represent how others see you. These symbols can include your gender, ethnic group, personality, place in the community, age group, etc.
On the inside of the box, place symbols/ images that represent the “stories” of who you really are:
• Include a symbol of at least one important family story
• Include a symbol of at least one story where you or someone in your family affected “change.”
• Include a symbol of at least one story about how you “changed.”
• Include a symbol of what you think your “story” will be 10 years from now.
The rest of the items/ images/ symbols that you choose to represent important stories are up to you. Include an index card for each symbol that identifies what story the symbol stands for.
Think metaphorically, symbolically. If your parents are really important to your development, do not put a photograph of them in your box. Instead, think of a story that best represents what they mean to you and find a symbol that best illustrates that meaning.
Be creative, deliberate, imaginative, thoughtful!
Self-Portrait boxes are due tomorrow.
I really wish we could've continued on our boxes today.
I want to add something to my box before I present tomorrow. Can I like, come in tomorrow morning and put it in??????
So, are we going to do something for Jena tomorrow?
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