Examine the constitutional "test" that events at Little Rock in 1957/58 provoked.
You can write your introduction over the weekend. Bring the introduction to class on Monday to be stapled to the rest of your in-class essay. You will need to use the following terms (except for those that follow the dotted line) appropriately and meaningfully in Part I on Monday.
WWLB=Words We Live By; ATB= "About this Book;" W=Warriors Don't Cry; BvBE=Brown v. Board of Education (primary source); EOTP= Eyes on the Prize (video); P= photos by Will Counts of Elizabeth Eckford and Alex Wilson; A= accounts of Alex Wilson and Benjamin Fine
Federalism WWLB 118, 194
States Rights WWLB 194
Nationalism WWLB 194
Interposition/ Nullification WWLB 196
Plessy v Ferguson 1896 ATB x, WWLB 219-220
Separate but equal ATB x, WWLB 219-220
Justice John Marshall Harlan ATB x, WWLB 220
Jim Crow Laws ATB x, WWLB 220
Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka 1954 ATB viii, ix; WWLB 221
Brown II 1955
Thurgood Marshall ATB x, W
Chief Justice Earl Warren ATB ix, BVBE
Amendment XIV WWLB 212
Equal Protection Clause WWLB 212, 219
Amendment X WWLB 194
Article VI WWLB 118
Supremacy Clause WWLB 118, 119
Governor Faubus ATB viii, W
Arkansas National Guard W
101st Airborne W
President Eisenhower W
Gandhi W
Namaste W
De Facto
Governor Ross Barnett EOTP
James Meredith EOTP
Medgar Evers EOTP
John F. Kennedy EOTP
Dr. Kenneth Clark W
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