Monday, October 06, 2008

Respond to the movie we saw today in class. What thoughts/ feelings do you have about the disturbing message of Milgram's experiment? What does this have to do with the point of "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson? Be honest and expansive in your response.

This should be a minimum of a single page, typed, double-spaced.

If you are in the afternoon class and misunderstood the assignment for today, please read the previous entry and prepare it for tomorrow.


Blogger Fading Contrails said...

Unless my memory fails me... I believe what you told Ellyn, Joey, and I was that we were to write 7 sentences exemplifying our Thesis Statement.

I didn't even meet that requirement though... having written only 6 sentences....

7:07 PM  
Blogger Jan Yourist said...

Fading Contrails-

I think it will be fine. We are going to use your wisdom tomorrow in class.
-Ms. Yourist

7:12 PM  

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